India consumes an estimated 16.5 million tonnes of plastic annually, of this, 43% is plastic manufactured for single-use packaging material that will mostly find its way into garbage bins. In all, 80% of total plastic produced in India is discarded. At least 40% of the plastic waste generated every day-25,940 tonnes as per 2015 CPCB study for the year 2011-12--goes uncollected. Accurate data on plastic waste generation, collection and disposal are integral to how a country formulates its policy on waste management.
The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has been working on policy and advocacy for a sustainable plastic waste management. It recognizes
the need to adopt resource-efficient waste management regimes, based on which it has conceptualized a 2-week online training programme on Sustainable Plastic Waste Management.
The course would help the participant to understand the need to use minimal plastic in their day to day life. Conscious purchase and consumption behavioral
changes to strengthen and foster Circular Economy is the aim of the 19-hour training programme.
The mode of training would be online (Self- paced) with a proper mix of interactive sessions with subject matter experts on plastic and sustainable plastic
free living.
- Status of plastic waste management in India
- Major provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
- Utilization of the concept of circular economy and resource efficiency
- Plastic free living in daily life
- Alternatives to plastics
- Effective ways of processing plastic waste
- National and international best practices
Waste management practitioners, officials from central and state urban departments and municipalities, urban and town planners, village panchayat officials and members, academicians, students, and NGO representatives.
For further details, please contact the Course Coordinator
Shailshree Tewari
Program Officer,
Centre for Science and Environment
Email: shailshree.tewari@cseindia.org
Mobile: 8800371929
Ishani Sonak
Research Associate,
Centre for Science and Environment
Email: ishani.sonak@cseindia.org
Mobile: 9818884832