Centre for Science & Environment (CSE) and WaterAid Bangladesh (WAB) enjoy a longstanding relationship in knowledge exchange and capacity development of key actors engaged in promoting sustainable water and sanitation. Effective faecal sludge /septage management is important for safe disposal and treatment of human waste that if not handled properly contaminates the sources of water and is a major health risk. 

This  training on FSM is the result of the feedback of participants of the first training and part of CSE – WaterAid action plan to strengthen sensitization, knowledge sharing and skill building of WaterAid staff and partner in South Asia countries. 

Learning Objectives

Part A: Training on Sensitization (1st Feb to 2nd Feb. 2021)

·         Introduction to FSM and key urban sanitation issues and challenges across South Asia

·         Sensitization on Sanitation Value Chain and City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) principles

·         FSM regulatory, planning and institutional aspects including WaterAid role and other key actors

·         Key learnings on tools and approaches for effective FSM – SFD, FSM Tool Box, SaniKit and planning for CWIS, Sanitation safety plan.


Part B: Advanced Training on Designing and Planning (3st Feb to 9nd Feb. 2021)

·         Best Faecal Sludge Management practices including experiences from various countries

·         Designing and implementing FSM interventions

·         Business Models- Operation &Maintenance and Cost Recovery.

·         Virtual Tour of selected FSM case studies in Bangladesh and India

·         To explore scale-up and influencing factors in FSM.