One of the ambitious targets that India’s Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has been working towards is that of connecting every rural household in the country by the end of this year (2024) with a functional tap supplying 55 litre of water per capita per day. The JJM dashboard says that almost 79 per cent of houses in rural India now receive water from their household taps.
If the target is achieved fully, it would mean a family of six will use up about 330 litre of water every day. As per a thumb rule, 70 per cent of water used for washing and bathing and in kitchens comes out as greywater -- this means every 100 litre of water used will give rise to 70 litre of greywater. Once all the 194 million households get a functional tap, the amount of greywater generated will be mind boggling! What’s more, this does not include the greywater generated due to unofficial use of groundwater extracted through borewells and tubewells
The huge amounts of greywater that will be actually generated can completely swamp entire areas, clog all drains and outlets, and pollute neighbouring waterbodies as well as the land. In today’s climate-risked world, where severe water crisis is becoming a reality, this greywater can be used as a resource – it can be treated and utilised to recharge the groundwater. Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites you to apply for a short online training programme that can tell you just how to do it
- Greywater management and climate change – the linkages
- Planning tools to manage greywater in rural areas
- Greywater treatment-technology selection matrix
- Tools for planning and designing treatment systems
- Conveyance options for carrying greywater
- Technical brief on treatment technologies at cluster and village level
- Reuse of treated greywater
- Case studies
Swati Bhatia
Deputy Programme Manager, Water, CSE
Email: swati.bhatia@cseindia.org
Whatsapp: +91- 9911339540