Urban India generates close to 1.57 lakh metric tonne (MT) of municipal solid waste (MSW) every day: of this, 50-60 per cent is biodegradable waste. A significant fraction of the biodegradable waste continues to end up in dumpsites, triggering generation of gases like methane and carbon dioxide, which ultimately contribute to global warming and several other environmental and health hazards.
But herein lies an opportunity: if this enormous amount of biodegradable waste is processed using appropriate technologies, urban India has the potential to produce approximately 3,923 tonne of bio-CNG every day, with an estimated market value of Rs 27.46 crore. The revenue to be earned each year by simply treating the biodegradable waste to make bio-CNG is estimated at over Rs 10,000 crore. While we frantically search for alternative fuels, here is a resource that is ready to be used! We simply need to equip ourselves with technologies and procedures for managing biodegradable waste differently.
According to the Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoP&NG), India has a reserve of 594.49 million metric tonne (MMT) of crude oil and 1,339.57 billion cubic meter (BCM) of natural gas. The country currently imports nearly 87.30 per cent of its crude oil requirements and about 50 per cent of natural gas requirements. Treatment of biodegradable waste to produce bio-CNG, therefore, should be seen as a potential game changer. Steps are afoot to popularise the use of biogas. To foster a circular economy, the government’s GOBARDhan scheme has allocated Rs 10,000 crore in the Union budget for 2023-24 to establish 500 biogas plants, including 200 plants for compressed biogas (CBG), with 75 of them located in urban areas, and 300 community or cluster-based plants.
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites you to join its online training programme on bio-CNG – the technologies available, its management, and associated economic and environmental benefits.
- Bio-gas – technology, capital requirement, operational expenditure
- Protocol for installation and pre-requisites
- Purification technology for bio-CNG
- Policy mandate, subsidies and various government schemes •Economic and environmental benefits
- Case studies from India
For more information, please contact
Kaifee Jawed
Programme Officer
Solid Waste Management and Circular Economy Unit
Centre for Science and Environment
Email: kaifee.jawed@cseindia.org
Contact: +91 9755411810, 8383986473