India’s manufacturing industries and electricity generation together contribute around 83 per cent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions along with contributing to the poor air quality in Indian cities. This necessitates the need for energy management and optimization in industries/organizations to reduce the subsequent costs incurred on energy consumption, carbon emissions and other co-benefits such as reducing air pollution.
An energy audit is a tool which helps industry/organization/commercial buildings like hotels in optimizing energy use, identifying energy losses and opportunities for energy savings. Understanding relevance of the subject, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has developed a two-week online course with the aim of providing a comprehensive understanding of energy audit and it's various aspects which will help the auditor not only bring down expenditure on energy need but also improve the overall environmental performance of the entity. A good energy auditor will help the entity to prepare a roadmap which will help them to be one step ahead of country’s climate ambition.
Learnings from the programme:
- Understanding the fundamentals of energy audit and management
- Knowledge about the auditing process and the complete data to be collected
- Know how to analyze energy consumption in a facility and establish energy balance
- Performance assessment of different electrical and thermal utilities
- Understanding the characteristics of energy consuming systems and the energy savings opportunities
- Sector-wise case studies
Target participants:
- Government officials
- Representatives from industries, commercial buildings like hotels
- Academicians, researchers, consultants and professionals working on the issue
Course Coordinator:
Sowmiya Kannappan
Program Officer,Industrial Pollution Unit
Centre for Science and Environment
Email: sowmiya.k@cseindia.org
Phone: + 91 95855 24026