India is the third largest GHG emitter in the world after China and the US. India's power and industrial sector are the major contributors to it sgreen house gas emissions.Therefore, there is a compelling need to avoid the high carbon growth trajectories from these sectors. In COP26 India promisedto reduce carbon intensity of its GDP by 45 per cent and increase its non-fossil electricity production capacity to 50 percent by 2030.
To reach these ambitious goals, the capacity of industry professionals and various stakeholders should be strengthened with the right understanding and knowledge of various decarbonisation pathways. Considering this need, CSE hasdesigned anonline training programme which aims tocover thecritical aspects of decarbonisation such as circularity, resource efficiency, carbon capture, utilization and storage and transition to alternate cleaner fuels.
Mode of training:
The course will be conducted on Moodle Platform where participants will be provided with reading / audio-visual training material which they are expected to self-study. The course material will be for the duration of 2-3 hrs/day.
Learnings from the programme:
- Understanding the need for power sector and energy-intensive industrial sectorsto accelerate low carbon growth for India to meet 2030 target
- Role of cleaner fuels such as biomass, gas and hydrogen for hard to abate sectors to replace dirty fuel
- Role of circularity to reduce GHG emissions from industrial sector
- Role of renewable energy to reduce the burden of coal power
- Knowledge on scope of carbon capture, utilization and storage
- Understanding of the international and domestic finance availability for decarbonisati on technologies in industries
Target participants:
- Professionals, consultants and decision makers from government and non-government institutions
- Academicians and Researchers working in the field of Sustainability and GHG reduction in industries
Course Coordinator:
Sowmiya Kannappan
Programme Officer
Industrial Pollution Unit
Email at sowmiya.k@cseindia.org
Phone: + 91 95855 24026