Economic growth today comes with its own set of challenges,one of which is managing municipal solid waste (MSW).The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) says urban India generates 1.48 lakh metric tonne (MT) of MSW every day; this comprises 0.71 lakh MT organic and 0.57 lakh MT inorganic waste. Governments are grappling with this every-growing problem of managing this waste while ensuringfinancial and environmental sustainability.
The only strategy for sustainable solid waste management makes segregation of waste at source non-negotiable. Technology has been proved to be efficient when waste is not mixed at source. But this requires an effective communication strategy to engage with citizens using a set of locally relevant IEC and BCC tools to influence behaviour change.
India’s flagship Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 mandates source segregation with a strong emphasis on IEC/BCC. Cities like Indore, Bhopal and Panaji are examples where sustainability has been achieved through segregation of waste at source.
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites applications for an online course invites on IEC/BCC in Source Segregation for sustainable SWM. This five days’ comprehensive training will not only provide you with an insight into the status, challenges and implementation strategies of waste segregation at source in India, but also will help you learn plan, design, and implementappropriate IEC/BCC strategies.
Course Highlights
- Existing guidelines onsource segregation and IEC/BCC in India
- Planning and implementationof IEC/BCC in SWM
- Preparing effective action plans for IEC/BCC for stakeholders
- Developing strategies to promote source segregation with optimum community participation
- Case studies
- Live sessions by waste management practitioners
Who will benefit from the course?
- Waste generators
- Local government representatives
- Waste managers and waste management practitioners
- Officials from state, urban and local bodies.
- Academics, consultantsand students
- NGO/civil society and private companies
- Volunteers aspiring to work and contribute tothe SWM sector
For further details, please contact the course coordinator
Mou Sengupta
Deputy Programme Manager
SWM, Centre for Science and Environment
Email: mou.sengupta@cseindia.org
Contact: +91 9836448262